A day in Daocheng, a Tibetan town in Sichuan Province

On our travels last summer, we went from the Daocheng Yading Nature Reserve in SW Sichuan Province to the little town of Daocheng. It is mainly populated by Tibetan people, so although it's a small, quiet town, it's worth spending a little time in to experience some Tibetan culture. 

We caught a bus from the reserve just by asking around, and arrived in Daocheng without a hotel reservation, but it was very easy to walk into some hotels in town and ask about their prices. We got a private room that was very comfortable for a reasonable price and spent an evening wandering through town. 

Prayer flags along the road headed into Daocheng

Our hotel in Daocheng

A shop in Daocheng selling Tibetan style women's clothing

The main shopping area in Daocheng, with a prayer wheel out front

It was fun to see shops selling Tibetan style clothing and food, and to see how different the style of the buildings was from other places we've been in China. There were a few slightly touristy areas in town with more shops and souvenirs, but mostly the town felt more authentically Tibetan and less influenced by tourism than Shangri-La.

We got a bus the next morning out of Daocheng headed back to Shangri-La, and from there onward to Lijiang where we planned to stay one more night. We had a nice dinner and evening out in Lijiang before continuing on the next day to Shaxi, a small, ancient village in the countryside between the cities of Lijiang and Dali. My next post will be about our stay in Shaxi and hiking the nearby mountain, Shibaoshan.


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